Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Christ is risen 

(Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him)

 In the name of the Son of the Man, from the new Christ disciples who proclaim and announce the Good News, waited by the watching eyes, we declare to the world the achievement of the Second Advent of Christ, Glory to him, that we, the twelve disciples met him face-to-face. It is the advent promised by the Lord in the Bible. We are going to clarify a lot of matters that were confused for the Church, and the Fathers of the Church concerning the second advent with clouds and the truth of the Spirit of the Gospel that our returned Christ has brought.  We say that the promise of the Lord concerning his Kingdom of justice is so imminent. When wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the young child will put his hand into the viper’s nest and the lion will eat straw as the prophet Isaiah said. Over days and centuries, Isaiah‘s prophecy is accomplished by these signs at any time. However it is obvious that it is telling about the time of the Second Advent which will materially affect the reality of people on earth and not like what the Church has explained to the believers all over the world that these signs are spiritual and have nothing to do with the physical world. Our eyes witnessed the accomplishment of the signs mentioned in the holy chapters. Years ago we saw the shameful acts of destruction in Jerusalem just like what the Lord Jesus, Glory to him, predicted in the Gospel, when dark armies entered it and spread corruption, and innocent blood was shed, during these years till now in front of the world’s eyes which remain blind in front of the corrupting Jews’ crimes. The Christ, Glory to him, announced to his disciples, it is an important sign that the accomplishment of the Kingdom of justice is imminent. The war in Syria in the last decade paves the way for Armageddon great epopee that will change the world and shed the light on the origin country of the Christ, Glory to him , Palestine and Middle East generally, and also what happens in Iraq, the fall of Bagdad under the American occupation in 2003, mentioned in the Apocalypse of John the Theologian, under the title (Babel Fall) the Great city making allusion to Bagdad, the capital of Iraq, and also what happened in the Arab spring which toppled the despotic regimes that governed rigorously Arab countries, all this was mentioned by the Christ, Glory to him, when he said (For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom) . We witnessed in front of our eyes the persecution of Christians in the world in general, in Mosul, Egypt, Palestine, Levant and Middle East, in general, when History repeats itself , the persecution of Peace Messengers repeats itself as said in the Gospel, ( In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted) Timothy 3:12. As for the natural disasters, every pursuer in the world knows that the disasters that happened in the last years were more outrageous than in the past. The world has witnessed the strongest earthquake ever, known as the unprecedented Tsunami, in addition to the Japan biggest earthquake, and other seism such as Karman, Cashmere, Izmir which caused the death of thousands of victims, and other natural numerous calamities that we cannot enumerate. As for epidemics and diseases, the world has become full of morbid cancers and dangerous Typhus types that caused the death of millions of people around the world and moreover we have heard about unprecedented diseases that confused the modern medicine and made it unable to control its spread and save the life of millions of people. As for hunger, we became used to see the horrible skeletons in general in the world and especially in Africa, in front of the eyes of the human organizations fighting in vain for providing the needs of subsistence of the poor countries unable to feed their spreading hunger while the peoples of the rich countries suffer from obesity. These poor countries are still succumbing under extreme poverty, death, and the disease affecting them is faster than elsewhere due to the evident scarcity in their resources and budget. All these summarized signs concurred with the accomplishment of the Second Advent of Christ, Glory to him, whose signs exceed all the above mentioned signs as he carries such qualities that confuse the minds. Here are the new twelve disciples writing these epistles in your hands to the world to proclaim explicitly the accomplishment of the Holy Bible of the Second Advent of Christ, The son of the Man, who comes to sit on the Glorious throne of his kingdom. He has warned us on all these facts that remained hidden for centuries to the Church and Fathers of Church, and he nurtures our spirit with a lot of knowledge, new divine sciences out from the Spirit and the essence of the Holy Bible, in harmony with the mind, reason, and scientific realities . We have recently shown to the world the greatness of these sciences through the announcement we made, concerning the accomplishment of the advent which included new proves of the Christ, coming out from the content of the Holy Bible chapters. Moreover, we have announced the good news through our Facebook pages and YouTube channels, here under mentioned. We have discussed the scientific theories proposed by the Christ (the theories of analogy between disease and medication, bisexuality and the fifth element)… The Good news we are announcing today are that Christ has really returned and is calling those who are waiting, who are awake, and those chosen to have faith in this announcement, freed from all religious rites and from right and left tendencies. The real Christianity is the one who is unified in its faith in the Holy Bible only and the views of Christ far of interpretations and wrong traditions which tore the body of the Christian Faith centuries ago. For, the origin of the human traditions is earthly men who speak earthly human language whereas divine men speak the language of celestial people, as witnessed in the book. 

The Church has imagined for centuries that the meaning of the advent with clouds was the extraordinary way violating nature and the human law in life, where a man like Christ walks on a cloud like a bird gliding between the clouds. This concept came from the obvious shallowness in explaining the verses and the chapters of the Holy Bible by the Fathers of the Churches, the exegetes and the Bible authors over centuries to the exception of the Churches, who believe in the millenary king made from flesh and bone. The language of the Holy Bible came far away from Technology. That time did not witness the big advanced inventions such as planes and flying crafts in the clouds, in a scientific and rational way. We found a lot of symbolism and codes accompanying the texts of the Holy Bible, where the exegetes of the Churches’ Fathers were unable to explain because these texts are spared for those who will come and unveiled them and we mean by this the returning Christ. For instance, we see people using the natural means to move, created by Man mind, while this mentality did not admit then to be told that Christ will come in a transport mean created by man after two thousand years, made of metal, and has jet engines. And should the Holy Bible has done so in its chapters, it would have been so confusing and strange for people at this Historical stage that did not witness these important inventions. Thus, it is evident that he will establish his Kingdom of justice on earth in a material way and not the way told by the majority of the Churches nowadays, that the Christ Kingdom is spiritual and started on the cross and that he will carry on the chosen ones in a unnatural power when he will come as a gliding bird in the sky to gather them from all over the world. We wonder what is the interest of establishing a spiritual Kingdom on the cross or a divine Kingdom that has no effect on people’s life and their material reality in which the Lord has created them created on earth?!...
Our call is designated for the chosen in the world that are awake waiting for the return of our Savior such as the parable of the virgins who took their lightened lamps and went out to meet the beloved bridegroom they were awaiting. We, the disciples, the Lord has blessed us to meet the Christ, our Savior, when we got the opportunity to meet him in the Levant and Iraq, in 2004. He overfilled us with his rich sciences so that we become prepared to defy the world by our knowledge of the content of the Holy Bible, of secrets, hidden and mystical sciences known only by the Christ. Today, we are publishing his personal photography, so that everyone who saw him in his kingdom is sure that he is the one. Our master the Christ gave us this holy blessed mission to carry it to the whole world. We carried on with this mission all these years and never stopped except when the material and human resources were lacking because we are only twelve disciples and few believers dispersed between the Levant and Iraq and even though we pledged to carry this mission despite everything even if we are forced to sacrifice ourselves, our parents and our money. A lot of us were pursued and chased by the despotic regimes in the region from decades till nowadays through threatening of personal liquidation and death because of the reformative mission we carry and the great good news we are announcing. As long as we announced the apparition of our Christ who is our Advocate mentioned in the book (when the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father-the Spirit of truth who goes out from the father-he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.)John 15:26-27,(But when the, Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak of his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.)John 16:13-15. We have enclosed with this letter a personal photography of the Christ about whom we are speaking in addition to a attached folder including a book that contains some of his sciences and a drop of his sea of knowledge …it is similar to a large extent to the Christ features described in the books transmitted by the Christian tradition as seen by numerous believers across the globe, through the Apocalypse, and even the physical view …All these significations are incarnated in whom we met and will fulfill all the prophecies in the imminent Kingdom. One of the Christ qualities that we met in the Second Advent is that he came out at the same age he went out in his first advent as mentioned in the book (Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry) Luke 3:23, and it is in the same age in which the mission of Christ was made public to the whole world. And that in addition, to the other qualities such as the scientific side by which he was characterized through his perfect knowledge of the secrets and meanings of the Holy Bible, which gives the conclusive evidence proved with God’s words as he speaks of the Advocate who will receive from him what he will make known to us and we will defy the world that no one will know the secrets in the Holy Bible like what the Christ our Savior whom we met has revealed it to us. So, the extraordinary miracles are not the evidence but the scientific cognitive and written side and it is the part of the Good Shepherd that his sheep listened to his voice and knows it as he said: (My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me) John 10:27. The Christ does not need funds to be raised nor men because all what the Lord wants from us is to be unified in God’s love and in his Christ and to respect the Christian faith and the chapters of the Holy Bible. Finally, we say that the project of the returning Christ is a love and peace project across the globe, and the announcement of the start of the accomplishment of his kingdom of Justice. He is searching for his remaining sheep which know his resonant voice like the mother knows her child. It’s the call all over the world through his disciples in all natural means such as written press, audio visual …We still seek more progress and reach satellite channels which guarantee the spread of the good news to the furthest point in the world after that the number of our pages followers has raised on the social network and Facebook to reach over ten thousands and we seek to increase this number if the material and human resources are available as we have already mentioned before, and soon the voice of the Christ will rise as he wishes all over the world. He is calling all the religious rites in the world and all the religions and even the atheists without exception and he calls to renounce to discrimination, partiality, and divisions among the believers of the same religion. We add that he is counting on the vulnerable, the international organizations, the moderate intellectuals, the impartial and the more favored than others. Finally, we say that this is the call and the voice of the Good Shepherd for those who wait, are awake to fulfill God’s promise, to have faith and resign to the will of who comes from Lord to renew everything as he said in the book ( Truly, I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel) Mathew 19:28-29. Peace and blessing to those who have faith in Christ and prepare themselves to Salvation … Visit our declared websites to the accomplishment of the Advent through the testimony of the Christ twelve disciples.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I started to read this but for the love of all that is holy, there are no paragraphs or line breaks. I mean its 2016. The infamous "wall of text" was thought vanquished in the early years of the 21st century, though it seems to have made quite the comeback.

    There are resources to help your writing style, which I will pray to our LORD that you review, as this wall of text is borderline heretical. Paul, Luke, Matthew and John all used proper text formatting, I pray that you will follow in their footsteps and format your posts in a more readable format moving forward.
